Violation of potency is the worst enemy of men, so about half of them sooner or later wonder how to restore potency at home quickly.
What to choose at home?
Raising potency quickly and without harm can be done with the help of such means:
- Medicines to increase potency.
- Balanced diet.
- Rest and work mode.
- Folk remedies.
- Aphrodisiacs.
For the sake of justice, it should be noted that the fastest way to increase potency and be sure that in an intimate moment it will not let you down is to use medications. Everyone knows these drugs from the group of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors. The brand of them is Viagra, but later generics were developed, some of which were superior in effectiveness, duration of action and the number of side effects to the original Viagra.
Choosing a drug for potency

Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors, despite their safety and efficacy, can affect patients in different ways. If you have tried one of the drugs and did not feel the desired effect, this is not a reason to refuse to use other members of the group. The mechanism of action of the drugs is the same: they relax the smooth muscles of the cavernous bodies, due to the enhancement of the action of nitric oxide and an increase in cGMP.
Which drug to choose? Let us draw your attention to the start time of the action. Those in which the main active ingredient is vardenifil begin to work faster. In half of the cases, vardenafil leads to a persistent erection, sufficient for intercourse, within 25 minutes. The duration of its action is from 8 to 12 hours. Attempts to make intimacy at this time in most cases end successfully. For comparison, tadalafil works much longer - up to 36 hours. Therefore, after taking tadalafil, a man can, within 1, 5 days, choose a convenient time for intimacy with his partner and not be focused on the next 5 hours, as when taking Viagra.
But such a drug, which has a long-term effect, has negative aspects. Due to the duration of its elimination from the body, a significant amount of blood is deposited in the muscles in 1. 5 days, therefore, muscle pain is a frequent companion of those who take tadalifil. Also, it is worth being careful those patients who take nitrates, because the interaction time of the drugs is increased. And finally, in 88-90% of cases, the long-term effect of the drug is simply not needed, because almost all sexual intercourse occurs in the first hours after taking the drug.
Means for potency that nature gave us

Here we have included aphrodisiacs, which are harmless and natural. Aphrodisiacs are suitable for you if you do not know how to increase potency in one day. They can quickly affect erection, the speed of onset of ejaculation, as well as potency.
The action of aphrodisiacs can be explained by their different properties: they are rich in vitamins, minerals, hormone-like substances, and are able to enhance the synthesis of their own hormones. Some of these substances increase the flow of blood to the genitals, affect the overall blood flow.
It was also found that natural substances in the composition of aphrodisiacs affect the centers in the brain, namely the pituitary gland. Under their action, the production of the hormone of joy-endorphin begins, outwardly it manifests itself as an exacerbation of sexual desires, freedom and emancipation in actions, the appearance of fantasies, the appearance of a feeling of elation and euphoria. Endorphins are very effective for sexual indifference or frigidity.
Let's take a look at some of the aphrodisiacs that are likely to be the most readily available:
- How to quickly improve potency using herbal remedies? For this, the wormwood plant is suitable. Common wormwood is also used, or rather its seeds. Prepare an aqueous infusion from a glass of boiling water and a teaspoon of plant seeds. It is insisted overnight and after that they drink the received volume of medicine in one day. An alcohol solution can be prepared. To do this, you need to take 0. 5 liters of vodka and 4 to 5 tablespoons of seeds. The ingredients are simply mixed and infused for 3 weeks. The alcoholic infusion must be shaken periodically. They drink the finished product 3-4 times a day for a tablespoon. Wormwood oil is also useful, which has an exciting effect on the nervous system. It is difficult to squeeze juice out of wormwood, but it turns out to be concentrated and very effective. You cannot take preparations from wormwood for more than 1. 5-2 months, since the action can be dangerous with prolonged use.
- We increase potency with St. John's wort. It is one of the most popular medicinal plants that has proven to be effective in increasing potency. A multicomponent plant that acts on several body systems. St. John's wort has an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and tonic effect. St. John's wort is often used specifically for the treatment of diseases in men: cystitis, prostatitis, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. How does St. John's wort affect potency? Firstly, due to flavonoids, nerve-impulse metabolism is normalized, and secondly, they have regenerative and antimicrobial properties. The component quercitrin and quercetin will relieve swelling, inflammation, have an antioxidant effect, relieve inflammation in the prostate gland and urinary organs. A very important property of these components is the improvement of blood flow in the general vascular system. It is known that with inflammation, blood circulation deteriorates significantly, stasis begins to deteriorate, and more and more plugs are formed from the secretion of the prostate. Destroy pathogenic microflora (staphylococci and viruses) hypericin pigment.
- There are preparations based on minerals and plant extracts. For example, Ursul. It contains silver, copper, colloidal gold, gold powder, copper gluconate, from plant components: echinacea, bearberry, martinia. How can such a composition quickly restore potency? It has anti-inflammatory properties, enhances immune defenses, and blocks the development of viruses and bacteria. It is indicated for those men who need to overcome cystitis, prostatitis and prostate adenoma, and especially those diseases that are caused by microbes.
If an emergency occurs

Sometimes there is no time to undergo courses of treatment with folk remedies, means that restore blood flow. How, in an urgent situation, to increase potency quickly and imperceptibly for a partner?
- Take a contrast shower. A change in temperature has a positive effect on blood flow. If the procedure is repeated regularly as a hardening procedure, your health will increase significantly.
- Massage before intimacy can be of great help. This will warm up your feelings, bring you closer and tune in to intimacy even more.
- Foods that contain a lot of serotonin help a lot. For example, bananas. We also recommend products with phenylethylamine. These are chocolate, seeds and nuts.
- And, of course, the drugs mentioned above. They will ensure that you have enough erection to begin intimacy with your partner.
How to get rid of problems with potency at home?

Almost every man has experienced problems with potency at least once. This is not always a reason for worry. Remember how your day went, what negative events there were lately, stresses that could affect your usual sex life.
A significant factor is fatigue. They can be both physical and moral. Therefore, all experts urge to first eliminate the causes of the disease, and then seek the help of special drugs.
It will not be superfluous to undergo tests and get expert advice that will help identify problems in such organs and systems:
- Endocrine system. The pancreas, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, and thyroid gland are subject to inspection.
- Dysfunction of the heart and blood vessels. With a healthy cardiovascular system, there are almost never problems with erection and potency. Also, erectile dysfunction can be caused by atherosclerotic disorders, the formation of blood clots.
- Inflammatory pathology of the urinary system and genitals. Both cystitis and urethritis matter, not just prostatitis or prostate cysts. The violation of potency is especially noticeable in those men who suffer from infections such as chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis. These infections are rarely cured; more often they turn into chronic inflammation, which, moreover, cannot be detected.
- The doctor must determine which of the drugs you are taking have an effect on potency. These can be antihistamines, antidepressants, as well as the use of alcohol and drugs.